volunteer opportunities


Volunteers are essential to the smooth execution of our events and play a significant role in supporting the Club’s financial sustainability. We invite you to take this opportunity to become more actively involved in the swim community, where you can build new relationships, gain valuable skills, and make a meaningful impact. With a variety of volunteer roles available to suit different interests and preferences, there is a place for everyone to contribute. While we greatly appreciate all volunteer efforts, the Calgary Patriots Swim Club reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept or decline individuals for volunteer roles for any reason whatsoever. 

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meets on a regular basis and is made up of the Patriots community. Some of the duties of the Board of Directors include: 

  • promoting membership in the Club;
  • hiring employees to operate the Club;
  • maintaining and protecting the Club’s assets and property;
  • financing the operations of the Club, including maintaining all accounts and financial records of the Club;
  • making policies, rules and regulations for operating and managing the Club.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



Squad Parents
Volunteer to be squad parent and help your coach organize the Christmas and Year End parties. Contact office@calgarypatriots.com for more information.

The Calgary Patriots endeavours to provide a safe environment for swimmers at out of town meets. Chaperoning provides parents with an opportunity to assist the team, get to know the other swimmers on the team and to better understand swim meet procedures and events. Please see the Chaperone Policy and Chaperone Procedures, or contact office@calgarypatriots.com for more information.