Anti-Spam Consent & Personal Information Protection
Waiver 4 - Anti-Spam Consent & Collection of Personal Information (required)
Canadian anti-spam legislation enters into force on July 1, 2017. The Calgary Patriots Swim Club conducts much of our business using email notices. Email notices may contain news highlights of past competitions, notice of documents posted on the website, requests for meet confirmation etc. Your consent to receive email from the club is necessary to join the club.
When you become a member of the Calgary Patriots Swim Club we will collect your name, address, telephone number, email, emergency contact information and credit card number. We also collect the names, age and gender for each swimmer registering with the club. We use this information to:
Deliver coaching and swim services
Enroll a member in a program
Send out membership information
Register swimmers in swim meets
Register swimmers with Swim Alberta and Swim Canada
We will only disclose information for the purpose for which the information was collected, except as authorized by law. For example, we may use member's information to register members in swim meets, with Swim Alberta and Swim Canada.
The full Calgary Patriots Swim Club Personal Information Protection Policy can be found here.