Registration Contract

Applicable to: White Squad Grey Squad Black Squad Red Squad Bronze Squad Silver Squad Gold Squad

Waiver 1 - Registration Contract (Required)

Obligation to Pay Fees

The certainty of payment of fees to the Calgary Patriots Swim Club (the Club) by the Members of the Club is essential for budgeting purposes and for maintaining operations and financial stability of the Club. Squad fees for all Members are set under the assumption that all fees will be paid by the Members as assessed at registration. Agreeing to the registration contract holds Members to the obligation of paying squad fees. If Members withdraw from the Club during the swim season for any reason (including, but not limited to, injury that prevents swimming, family moves to another city, swimmer transfers to another club) without providing proper notice to the Club in accordance with the Withdrawal Dates prescribed in this registration contract below, no refund of fees will be offered or payable by the Club.  All remaining fees will be payable to the Club through this legally binding contract should proper notice not be given to the Club.

If any part of this obligation to pay is not clear to you, do not agree to the contract.

If you do not agree with your obligation to pay under any and all circumstances that might cause your swimmer to withdraw from the Club, do not agree to the contract below.

Failure to Keep Account Current

In accordance with the Club's Accounts Receivable Collections Policy, failure to keep your account current may result in suspension of Patriots swim activities, including participation in competition meets. Current is defined as an account that is not outstanding for more than 60 days.  If non-payment is recurring or accounts remain outstanding despite collection efforts by the Club, the Club's Board of Directors reserves the right to have the Member withdrawn from the Club.

Withdrawal Dates

Obligation of a Member to pay fees will be waived if written notice of intent to withdraw is received by the Club on or before September 30th, 2024. In this case, fees will still be due for the month of September and the Registration fee will not be refunded.

Obligation of a Member to pay “Long Course” fees will be waived if written notice of intent to withdraw is received by the Club on or before December 31st, 2024. In this case, fees will still be due for September to December, inclusive.

If notice to withdraw is received after January 1st, 2025, fees will still be due for January to June, inclusive.

Obligation to Volunteer

You have a requirement to volunteer at all of our Club hosted swim meets. You must also acquire and maintain training as a meet official. This is necessary to maintain enough trained officials to run a swim meet.

Officials training: Each swim family is expected to have at least one Member attend at least one officials’ training clinic, and shadow twice on deck at swim meets held during the course of the 2024-25 season. This is required to become certified in an official’s role and/or enables you to achieve the next Swim Canada Officiating Level. The Calgary Patriots will provide opportunities each year for various training clinics.

Volunteering as an official: In addition, each swim family must provide a volunteer for a minimum of 2 shifts (sessions) at each of our Club hosted swim meets (Team Champs, Pugsley’s Plunge, Chinook Invitational, and any other Patriots hosted meets). This applies to meets that your swimmer(s) may or may not be attending.

If a swim family does not register for at least two sessions at each Club hosted meet, by the registration deadline communicated by the Club, a fine of $400 will be charged to their Patriots account. Similarly, a fine of $250 will be charged to a family’s Patriots account if they are registered for only a single shift at each Club hosted meet.

A $200 penalty will be applied to their Patriots account if a volunteer shift is cancelled within 48 hours of the start of the meet.

A $200 penalty will be applied to their Patriots account if a volunteer does not show up for their assigned shift or fails to find a qualified replacement to fulfill their duties.

If any part of this obligation to volunteer is not clear to you, do not agree to the contract.


In consideration of the Calgary Patriots Swim Club (the “Club”) agreeing to provide a position on a squad for the swimmers described above, I/we (the undersigned) have read and understand the Club’s regulations and agree to comply with them. Specifically, I/we agree to the following terms:

  1. Accept financial responsibility for the full squad fees of the swimmers, described above, with the understanding that the fees are not refundable unless proper notice has been given to the Club and are owed in their entirety to the Club by the agreed schedule of payments.
  2. Pay all charges owing, including equipment purchases, competition fees and travel costs once such costs have been billed to Members’ accounts.

  3. Acquire and maintain training for officials' positions.

  4. Volunteer for a minimum of 2 sessions at each of our Club hosted swim meets. Failure to do so will result in fines of $200-$400 per meet.

  5. Work one shift at the next Calgary Patriots casino opportunity OR pay the annual $250 family buyout fee.